MRKT212 Discussion



Please read the following article about Marketing the 2018 Winter Olympics and post a comment incorporating the following questions:

1) Why do you believe NBC is using 6 different segments to target consumers?
2) Explain why using psychographic variables can be more beneficial than demographics in forming market segments?

Please share your comments-Students in MRKT212 need to provide their name at the end of their comments

About Professor Pepe

family man and marketing professor; digital marketing, sports, hard rock, pets,& fitness enthusiast
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21 Responses to

  1. Anonymous says:

    1. I believe that NBC is using 6 different segments in order to reach the broadest audience. If they create different segments of different characteristics, then they are able to reach people from all types of backgrounds that may be interested in the Olympics. This, in turn, will help rating to hopefully go up and attract more people to tune in.
    2. Since the Olympics is a worldwide event that attracts people of all demographics, it is not cost effective to create advertisements and marketing tactics that appeal to only specific demographics. Instead, it is more beneficial and effective if NBC uses psychographics in order to divide the consumers into their interests versus their backgrounds.
    -Danielle Motyka


  2. Anonymous says:

    1. I believe NBC is using 6 different segments to target consumers because it recognizes that not every person has the same likes and dislikes. By having 6 different segments, NBC can appeal to many groups of people instead of just one type of person. This will get more people to feel inclined to watch the Olympics that’s geared toward them.
    2. I believe psychographic variables can be more beneficial than demographics in forming market segments because living in the same area does not necessarily mean that each person has the same personality. For example some people are more drawn to the overall competition of the Olympics while others might just watch a certain sport that’s in the news a lot. Neither of these reasons to watch the Olympics are completely dependent on the are a person lives in. By having segments that attract viewers based on the reasons they choose to watch the Olympics, viewers will be more apt to watch their preferred segment for a longer period of time. If segments were divided by demographics, marketers would be incorrectly assuming a motivation of an entire area with contrasting personalities.
    -Kathleen O’Toole


  3. Alexandros Giannakitsidis says:

    1) I think that NBC is using six different segments because of the fact that there are so many different types of viewers and their attitudes are all different. Being able to market to each specific viewer show to the viewer only segments that they care about can help bring in more viewers for the winter Olympics. The are diversifying their criteria to serve the customer’s needs and wants. this allows NBC to configure to each customers set of attitudes and beliefs.
    2) Using psychographic variables is more beneficial than using demographics because it goes into more depth about the consumer as a person and their tendencies. This allows marketers to gear advertisements more to certain variables than others. This allows for diversification of the community and can help highlight the consumers wants and needs that the organization must fill. Using psychographic variables allows marketers to divide consumers into more groups, thus creating more efficient marketing strategies to each variables. Demographic lumps people together based on age, family, race, and other factors, but is not efficient because these do not highlight the individuals values and reasons for watching the Olympics. Demographics only show a group of people and we can make assumptions about their attitude, but psychographic allows us to classify consumers and marketing can be geared efficiently to each individuals values and tendencies.


  4. Anonymous says:

    1) I think that NBC is using six different segments to target customers because they want to appeal to an even bigger audience. By having numerous different segments, NBC will please a lot more people because they are reaching out to many different groups off people. With a broader audience, rating’s should increase.
    2) Using psychographic variables can be more beneficial than using demographics in forming market segments because psychographic variables take a deeper look into the consumers. Rather then applying a demographic and targeting on a certain group of people to the Olympics, psychographics will target larger groups of more personal things. It will help make the audience more diverse and will target more people than it would with using demographics.

    Amber Alfonzo


  5. Anonymous says:

    1.) I believe that NBC is using six different segments to target consumers because targeted marketing plans for certain segments allow for them to individually approach customer groups. With this being said, they will be able to target all different kinds of individuals from different areas all over the world. This will make each and every person feel as though their views are important, leaving for an increase in viewers.

    2.) Using psychographics over demographics can be more beneficial due to the fact that psychographics focuses mainly on interests, emotions and aspirations of a group of people. Which is exactly what marketers (NBC) needs in order to understand each consumer. The use of this is also helpful in targeting large groups of people. The demographics tend to focus mainly on the basics such as location. Although it is still an important aspect, it fails to go into depth on the passion points and specific interest of the audience.

    Julianna Mancino


  6. Colman Schliff says:

    1. I believe that NBC uses 6 different segments to target consumers because they want to cover a larger market. NBC realizes that not every consumer is alike and by having 6 different segments they are able to reach a larger audience. By doing this they are giving their consumers more of a chance to hit on their needs and wants. Which in turn should spur more interaction from a larger number of people through their marketing.

    2. Using psychographics over demographics tends to be more beneficial than using strictly demographics. This is because psychographics takes a deeper look into which triggers the consumer. Such as pulling on emotions and interests of their views. Also by using psychographics the larger market increases and this is important because an event like the olympics has viewers from all over the world. Overall I think for NBC psychographics makes the most sense because they will be able to reach a larger audience.


  7. Alexia Moreno says:

    1. I believe that by creating six different segments NBC makes sure that they attract people from all kind of backgrounds with all kind of interests, since it is an event that it’s transmitted worldwide. The different segments allows the channel to show different sections of the olympics, which would get more people interested in it, and therefore more viewers.

    2. Demographics are more useful when looking at a specific audience, but because the olympics reach to such a large (and diverse) group of people, the demographics would be extremely broad. By using psychographics they can target people with specific likes, and appeal to them in a psychological way. It would be easier to market something by targeting it to people with a specific interest than to try and sell a good to a whole gender/ethnic group/race, that might not care about what’s been marketed.


  8. Anonymous says:

    1. I believe that NBC is using six different segments to consumers in order to target people’s different interests. The different segments will attract more people around the world to watch the olympics based on their own personal needs and wants.
    2. Using psychographic variables over demographic variables would be more beneficial for NBC because psychographic variables allow for NBC to appeal to viewers interests on a more personal level. Considering that people from all around the world will be watching the olympics, using demographics would be very broad and would not personally appeal to most people. Psychographic variables will increase viewership of the olympics because people will be interested in watching the games for their own reasons.
    -Carrie Bonvissuto


  9. Arunima Chatterjee says:

    1) I believe that NBC is using 6 different segments to target consumers because they want to appeal to all different types of viewers, with different personalities and interests. Since they struggled with their ratings for the Olympics in the past, they are trying a different approach this time around to bring ratings up. Previously they were having only a few types of viewers, so they doubled their promo material hoping to get more than just millennials excited.

    2) Using psychographic variables rather than demographics is more beneficial because demographics may not be fully accurate to what the viewer wants to see, because it is only statistical data that makes assumptions about a particular group as a whole, who are linked by age, gender, ethnicity, income and occupation. Whereas psychographic variables relate to a person’s attitude and aspirations, and that is closer to what someone wants to see.

    – Nima Chatterjee


  10. Anonymous says:

    1) I believe NBC is using 6 different segments to target consumers in order to increase its linear ratings for the Olympics. Its goal is for the 6 different segments to create relevant and appealing content for each specific type of viewer. This strategy will market towards viewers regarding how they associate with the Olympics rather than attracting a specific age group.

    2) Using psychographic variables can be more beneficial than demographics in forming market segments because psychographic variables concern viewer relationships to the Olympics. They explain viewership habits by recognizing the distinct attitudes and motivations of viewers. For example, psychographic variables explain why people want to watch the Olympics.

    – Karly DeLorenzo


  11. Anonymous says:

    1. The reason why NBC is using 6 different segments is that they are trying to increase their ratings by creating relevant and appealing content for different types of viewers. They are looking to attract viewers with marketing that’s less about appealing to a certain generation but rather about how people connect to the Olympics. This attracts people emotionally and will result in more people watching their content, hence increasing their ratings substantially.
    2. Psychographic variables can be more beneficial in forming market segments than demographics because most people in a certain demographic category do not think the same way and segregating them based on how they associate with the event is a sure-shot way of garnering attention. Marketers can also advertise products to a particular segment in a way that is best suited to attract those people and increase their profit margins as a result.

    -Sagar Bains


  12. Anonymous says:

    1) I believe that NBC utilizes 6 different segments to target consumers in order to engage a variety of people. People watch the Olympics for many different reasons, and incorporating 6 different segments will allow all kinds of viewers to remain interested. Overall, having different segments allows NBC to cater to many different groups of consumers.
    2) When forming segments it is likely more beneficial to use psychographic variables than demographic variables because demographics do not necessarily correlate with a person’s overall interests. Using psychographic variables allows marketers to understand consumer inclination for watching the Olympics. For example, demographic information such as education or age do not give marketers enough information to assume a consumer’s motivation for watching the Olympics. However, using psychographic variables, they may be able to understand consumer motivation better.

    -Payton Huntington


  13. Anonymous says:

    1) NBC is using 6 different segments to target consumers because they want to make the Olympics appealing to people of many different interests. These 6 segments will attract viewers from different generations rather than targeting a specific group of individuals.
    2) Psychographic variables focus on lifestyles and values, while demographics focus more on generic categories such as age and gender. Psychographic variables are more beneficial because it allows marketers to see the interests of consumers so they can better advertise their products. Consumers watching will be more interested because they can relate to the segment more.

    -Adrianna Tedeschi


  14. Anonymous says:

    1. I believe that NBC is using six different segments in order to target and relate to the most amount of people. By having multiple types of segments, there is a greater chance that it will impact all the different type of viewers and their feelings. By creating a widespread target audience will overall bring more viewers to watch the Olympics, which is NBC’s end goal.
    2. I believe that psychographic variables can more beneficial than using demographics because psychographic variables tend to look deeper into what attracts the consumers wants and needs. Considering that many different types of people watch the Olympics, since it is a national event, using simply demographics would be way too broad and would not appeal to each individual. Psychographic variables would increase the number of viewers watching the Olympics due to its impact on each and every individual.
    – Katie Ludwicki


  15. Anonymous says:

    1) I believe that NBC is using six different segments because everyone who watches the Olympics tunes in for a different reason. Some viewers watch because they love the thrill of the athletic competition. While, on the other hand, some viewers watch because they want to feel in the loop at work the next day. NBC is striving to attract and interest every viewer that tunes into the Olympics for every reason.

    2) Using psychographic variables is more beneficial than using demographics because it goes more in depth about a consumers personality, interests, values, etc. Therefore, it allows marketers the ability to target consumers on a more personal level. Demographics split consumers into age, race, gender, etc. Therefore, it would not be ideal for NBC to market the WORLDWIDE Olympics based on broad topic that do not appeal to many viewers. NBC will increase their viewership using psychographic variables because consumers will be watching the olympics for their own reasons.

    -Larissa Nanna


  16. Anonymous says:

    i.) I believe that NBC is attempting to target the majority of the population by using six different segments, providing multiple foregrounds for NBC to relate to the people. By having these six different segments, they were able to target different age groups, genders, and ethnicities in a more affective way. If NBC is able to appeal to the majority of the population, NBC can create a more widespread audience and gain more viewers in the long run.
    ii.) in marketing psychographic variables can be much more beneficial than demographics when targeting a specific consumer. this is the case because Psychographic variables focus on detail with the customer such as personality, values, attitudes, and specific lifestyles. this is important because these values focus on their every day life not just their features such as age, gender, and ethnicity. If NBC is to focus on psychographic values rather than demographics, I believe that they would have a greater and more committed audience.

    -Steven Martinez


  17. Anonymous says:

    1). I believe that NBC is using six different segments to target consumers to attract all the different viewers that tune in to watch the Olympics. Having different segments brings in more viewers to their channel and makes their consumers happy with their interest choice segment.
    2). Psychographic variables can be more beneficial than demographics in forming market segments because psychographic variables explain why viewers want to watch the olympics, which allows NBC to target the viewers segment of interest in a better way.

    Veronica Iraola


  18. Anonymous says:

    1. I believe that NBC is utilizes 6 various market segments in order to restructure their approach on how to maximizing viewership. Based on poor viewership from the previous olympics, NBC is attempting to appeal to a larger amount of people in hopes of better ratings. By expanding their segments, NBC is broadening the range of their target market and therefore increasing the overall amount of viewership.
    2. I believe that psychographic variables can be more beneficial than demographics because it is more enticing to a larger amount of viewers. Since the Olympics is such a widely viewed program, using demographic variables is an ineffective strategy to reach the largest number of viewers. Demographics would be more appropriate when advertising a generic program. By using psychographics, you are appealing to peoples emotions and other specific qualities that would enhance viewership as opposed to demographics which groups a broad range of viewers together.
    – Meaghan Curran


  19. Anonymous says:

    1) I believe that NBC is using 6 different segments to target consumers mostly to increase their ratings amongst all demographics. They’re attempting to gain more viewers who want to watch the Olympics for various reasons, other than those who watch just because of their love of the sports and the spirit of competition. They are also planning on doubling the amount of content broadcasted to market the Olympics. I think NBC is trying to connect to viewers on a more personal and heartfelt level from many generations and grab their attention with many different segments.

    2) Using psychographic variables can be more beneficial than demographics in forming market segments because it relates to consumers’ attitudes, lifestyles, values, and interests. It creates a higher interest within consumers in the desired product/event/idea because it appeals to their personality. The Olympics is something people from all over the globe watch and interact with. Adding a psychographic variable will most likely reach a broader audience and bring in more viewers. Psychology is an important factor in marketing because understanding how people think and feel is vital in determining a successful way to get people to be interested in your product or service.

    -Justine Torre


  20. Anonymous says:

    1) If NBC uses 6 different methods, it ensures that audiences of different groups, whether it be age, gender, or ethnicity, are being targeted. Each person likes and dislikes different ideas, and therefore the tactic of using many different methods allows for each person to stay engaged in the program. This would lead to a boost in ratings and viewership, which not only is important for the 2018 Olympics, but for future Olympic events to come. As time goes on, generations tend to be interested in different things. That means NBC must adapt to these changes to keep bringing in viewers. 2) The Olympics is broadcasted globally, so it wouldn’t be cost effective to make segments that only target a specific portion of the population. In addition, psychographic variables tend to target a more general audience rather than a specific demographic, and targets them on their interests. Rather than focus on age, gender, etc., it is more important to NBC to focus on WHY viewers want to watch the Olympics for reasons other than demographics, because those demographics don’t tell enough as to why viewers watch. The audience watches the Olympics for different reasons, so it wouldn’t make sense to only focus on a single one. Rather, it would make more sense to attract the audience as a whole on their interests to bring in a bigger crowd.

    Jeff Rappold


  21. Luke Niosi says:

    1) Division into sdgments is likely incorporated because all viewers can not be seen as the same. Dividing them into groups allows NBC to more effectively appeal to all.
    2) Psychographics can be more effective to use than demographics because they take from the mind of consumers rather than their physical state of being.


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